Ready Recruit - Release Notes (31 Jul, 2024)

Emails - Improved Email Sending for Multiple Recipients (Improvement)

Issue Addressed:

We have resolved an issue where users were unable to send emails (outbound) from Ready Recruit when the “To Address” field contained multiple email addresses exceeding 255 characters. 

This usually happens when there are multiple email addresses selected against the finance group under the email notification group. Previously, this problem resulted in an error message after clicking the “Send” button without any prior validation warning.

Fix Details:

  • Extended Character Limit:
    • Users can now send emails with multiple email addresses in the “To Address” field that exceed 255 characters.
    • This enhancement removes the previous limitation, allowing for more flexibility in email communications.
  • Error Handling:
    • Improved error handling ensures that emails with extensive recipient lists are processed correctly without unexpected failures.

How It Works:

  • When composing an email, you can now enter multiple email addresses in the “To Address” field without worrying about the 255-character limit.
  • The system will handle longer lists of email addresses efficiently, ensuring successful email delivery.

Getting Started:

  1. Go to the email composition section in Ready Recruit.
  2. Enter multiple email addresses in the “To Address” field, regardless of the total character count.
  3. Proceed to send the email without encountering the previous character limit restriction.

Note: We value your feedback and would love to hear about your experience with this fix. Please reach out to our support team via fresh desk and let us know your experience.

What's new in Ready Recruit:

  • Added a ability to send emails containing multiple email addresses exceeding 255 characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the forms with multiple signature fields were missing on the submissions page.
  • Fixed the issue where some users were unable to upload attachments against WHS records.

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