Ready Recruit - Release Notes (06 Jun, 2024)

WHS - New Permission (New Feature)

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new user role permission - "Can Only Create WHS Records". This permission enhances the customisation and data management options for handling Work Health and Safety (WHS) records.

This new permission will be available for all the roles in the system, providing the flexibility to assign a particular set of users with the specific ability to create WHS records. However, to allow for controlled activation, this permission will not be enabled by default for any role.

When the permission "Can Only Create WHS Records" is enabled for a role, users will only have the ability to create WHS records, without modifying or viewing any existing records, thereby preserving the integrity of sensitive information.

Once this permission is activated, those assigned users will be able to create WHS records only from the "New" menu on candidate/placement show pages.

Note: Please note, when this new permission is activated all the other existing WHS related permissions for that role will be disabled automatically.

Vacancy - Ability to view the Qualification Name (Improvement)

A valuable enhancement has been added to the vacancy show page on Ready Recruit. Users will now be able to view the "Qualification name" field directly on this page.

Through your feedback, we recognised the need for more visible reference information when reviewing the specifics of a vacancy. Therefore, we're introducing the visibility of the 'Qualification name' field as part of the vacancy data. This change will allow you to see, at a glance, what qualification is associated with a specific vacancy, saving you the time it takes to navigate through multiple pages.

To see this feature in action, visit any vacancy page and look for the field containing qualification name. We're continually refining Ready Recruit application to better serve your needs, and we appreciate your valuable feedback that helps drive these updates.

What's new in Ready Recruit:

  • Added a new permission (“create only”) against the WHS entity.
  • Added the ability to view the Qualification name on a vacancy show page.
  • Fixed the label against the “Previous Qualifications“ tab on a placement page.
  • Added the ability to display inactive users against all the filter drop downs.
  • Made some improvements to the moving pop-up windows on Ready Recruit.
  • A new confirmation message has been added to the “Resend confirmation instructions“ page.
  • Moved the candidate and placements deletion process to a background worker to improve the page loading performance.

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