Ready Recruit - Release Notes (08 May, 2024)

SMS Tab - UX Improvements (Improvement)

We are thrilled to inform you about an important update to our SMS communication feature. We have now made it possible to link an incoming SMS message to the originally sent SMS via Ready Recruit.

Keeping track of conversations can be critical, especially when corresponding via text messages. To offer you a more cohesive view of your SMS interactions, any response received to your sent SMS will now be directly linked to the original sent message. 

This update will ensure you have a clear and complete record of both sides of the conversation, helping to maintain the context and continuity of your communications. Whenever you receive a response to a sent SMS, it will appear connected with the originally sent message, allowing for an easy-to-follow message thread.

With this enhancement, we hope to improve your user experience by providing more organised, efficient, and transparent SMS communication.

We will be enhancing this feature more in the coming weeks. But as always, we appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing your thoughts on this update.

Dashboard Widget - Improvements to "My Companies" widget (Improvement)

On Ready Recruit, we have an existing widget called "My Companies" which assist the users in identifying the "Host Employers" with an "Active" status that are assigned to "you" as a field officer. We have made some changes to this dashboard widget that increases your ability to categorise and view your companies. You can now assign multiple company kinds.

Until now, users were limited to viewing only the "Host Employers" against this dashboard widget. While this met many use-cases, we heard your feedback that a more flexible assignment was needed to display other company kinds as well. With the new update, you can now add multiple company kinds - from Suppliers, RTO's, Apprenticeships Centres, Schools etc based on your needs.

As you navigate to the 'Widget Preferences' page on the top navigation bar, you'll see an updated interface that allows you to assign multiple company kinds to your widget. We believe this feature will enhance your data management and business oversight capabilities.

Candidates - Ability to assign an "Internal Source" user (New Feature)

We are delighted to introduce that you now have the ability to assign an "Internal Source" user against a candidate within Ready Recruit. In recruitment, understanding the source of your candidates is pivotal for refining your strategy.

In the candidate page, you will find a new field labeled 'Internal Source'. This new field also allows for more detailed tracking and management of candidate sources.

Vacancy - Ability to delete/remove a selected Qualification (Improvement)

We have added a new feature that simplifies the process of managing qualification records against the vacancy records while adding or updating them. Now, you can promptly delete a qualification if you decide it is not needed for a vacancy.

In the past, updating qualifications during the vacancy creation or editing phase could prove cumbersome if you needed to remove a qualification. Now, to streamline this task and improve accuracy, we've introduced a small "x" icon next to each qualification field while creating/updating a vacancy record. This ensures that each vacancy record only includes the qualifications necessary for the role, helping you maintain precise and streamlined vacancy information. 

We hope this enhancement simplifies your interactions with our software, and we look forward to your feedback. 

What's new in Ready Recruit:

  • Added the ability to assign an "Internal Source" user against a candidate.
  • Added the ability to view multiple company kinds against "My Companies" widget.
  • Added the ability to delete/remove qualifications against a vacancy record.
  • Added the ability to view an inbound SMS (linked to the originally sent SMS).
  • Fixed an issue where the users were unable to create applications against certain vacancy statuses.
  • Fixed an issue where the users were able to open bulk actions modal without selecting any records.
  • Fixed an issue where the notes search page is broken when a WHS note is created against a candidate.

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