Ready Recruit - Release Notes (29 Feb, 2024)

Reminder Schedules - Ability to add reminder templates (Improvement)

In this release, we have introduced a new feature that allows users to choose reminder templates for their reminder schedules on Ready Recruit. When creating or editing reminder schedules on the admin dashboard, users can now conveniently fill in the following fields automatically using the selected reminder template:

  • Reminder Title
  • Reminder Comments

Note: Please note, that any attachments associated with the reminder templates will not be included in the schedule.

Gateway Admin - Ability to reset passwords (New Feature)

Currently, jobseekers and employers have the option to reset their passwords manually by selecting the “Forgot your password?” feature on the Gateway login page. However, there are instances where jobseekers or employers may encounter difficulties in receiving the password reset emails from Gateway. Consequently, they reach out to you for assistance, resulting in an influx of support requests for password resets from the backend. Moreover, this situation also heightens the risk of passwords being transmitted through multiple hands and multiple emails. Therefore, starting from today, we are granting Gateway admin users the capability to manually reset the Gateway login passwords for jobseekers and employers directly from the Gateway admin page.

Emails - Ability to view domain verification status (Improvement)

Last month, we have made some changes to our email service provider (AWS SES) where all the customers are now required to register/verify their domains via Amazon simple email service. Enhancements were made in this release, allowing users to check the domain verification status for each individual domain (from addresses) when sending emails from Ready Recruit.

What's new in Ready Recruit:

  • Reminder schedules now offer the option to select reminder templates.
  • The Gateway admin page now allows users to reset passwords.
  • Users can now check the domain verification status when sending emails.
  • A new validation has been implemented to limit company contact names to a max of 60 chars.

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