Ready Recruit - Release Notes (05 Sep, 2023)

Placement Reminders - Ability to re-assign to the placement officer (Product Idea)

On Ready Recruit, users have the ability to update placement officers in bulk from the placements search page. In addition to this, in the current release, we have also added the ability to allow the users to re-assign the users against the reminders with the selected placement officer. 

This bulk update action can be performed while changing/updating the officer from the placements search page and also from an individual placement view page.

Placement - Ability to view unpaid future payable rebate amounts (Product Idea)

Some customers pass on the rebates for apprentices at different times during their apprenticeship. But when an apprentice is marked as cancelled there is no way to view if there are any future payable rebate amounts against the claims.

Hence, starting from today, when a placement record is marked as "Cancelled", the system will automatically check if the placement has 1 or more claim records that has at least one rebate amount marked as not paid (any one from the rebate list) and then displays the below warning message to the users.

  • "Please note there are outstanding rebate amounts that needs to be paid."

Attachments - Ability to export "Invoice Type" attachments (Improvement)

Users on Ready Recruit have the ability to upload attachments against the invoices on the placement records. Starting from today, we have added the ability to export the invoice type attachments into a .csv spreadsheet from the attachments search page.

Reminders - View full preview of the schedule (Improvement)

We have made a slight UX improvement to the reminder schedules on all entities. User will now be able to view a complete list of reminder details that will be created along with the total count while creating reminders using the reminder schedule templates.

What's new in Ready Recruit:

  • Added the ability to re-assign the users against the reminders with the selected placement officer.
  • Added the ability to view unpaid future payable rebate amounts against the claims.
  • Added the ability to export invoice type attachments into a spreadsheet.
  • Added the ability to view a full preview of the reminder details before creating them.

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