Ready Recruit Release Notes (03 Mar, 2022)

Visits Search - New Column Sorting

On the visits search page, we have added the ability to sort the site visit records alphabetically based on the following field:

  • Apprentice


Vacancy API - GET Request (New Field)

On the vacancies API, users will now have the ability to view the following field while retrieving the vacancy details using a GET request:

    • Trade Name


Placement - Improved "Invalidate" option

While updating the placement status to "Cancelled" or "Suspended" by entering a host actual end date, users are prompted with a checkbox if they would like to invalidate the visits, reminders and claims that have due dates after the selected host actual end date.

The option is currently available only while updating the placement statuses to cancelled or suspended on the placement status change window. But there have been scenarios where the users were unable to invalidate visits, claims and reminders against the placements without changing the placement status.

Hence, starting from tonight we have given you the ability to invalidate the visits, reminders and claims by selecting the option "Do you wish to Invalidate any Scheduled Visits, Scheduled Reminders & Claims after the Host Actual End Date?" from the "placement status change window" and also from the "edit host details window" without having to change the status of the placement.


Gateway - Ability to change account password

For Gateway customers, currently jobseekers and employers have to click on the reset password link on the login page, receive a link via an email and change their account passwords. Starting from tonight, jobseekers and employers will have the ability to reset their account passwords by clicking on "Change Password" option under the "My Profile" page on the jobseeker and employer portals.


List of all New Features:

  • Added the ability to sort visits alphabetically based on "Apprentice" field.
  • Added trade name field on vacancy API GET request.
  • Added the ability to change account passwords from "My Profile" page on Gateway.

List of all Improvements & Bug Fixes:

  • Added the ability to invalidate visits, reminders and claims against a placement without having to change the placement status.
  • Fixed an issue on the events, reminders and visits where a disabled user account who is marked as an "assigned user" field are being updated with the first user in the list.

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