JobReady.Direct Release - 17/01/17

New features are now available in JobReady.Direct. Check them out!

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year, we hope everybody was able to have a lovely break over the Christmas holidays and spend some well deserved time with family and friends.

As we returned back to the office on the 9th of January, some development had continued through this period. Part of our main focus recently has been on the recruitment and job matching aspect of JobReady.Direct, which you will see below. Introducing quick filters, more bulk actions, and the concept of regions.

If you are unsure on how these new features should be used in your system, or require any assistance with setting this up, please don't hesitate to contact myself, or our support stuff via zendesk.

Kind Regards

Vacancies - Applications Table Quick Filters

When searching through the table of Applications within a Vacancy, it can be difficult to narrow down results where there are many Applications. JobReady.Direct has introduced a quick filter system that will allow users to filter on any of the Application Statuses to reduce the amount of records that are displayed in their Applications table. The filter will include a count of records to also display how many records have that particular status assigned. To view the records within the status, click on the green button with the record count. The button will fade once it has been clicked to identify that it is the current filter.

This can be used to assist users with identifying which records are still waiting to be assessed as Suitable or Not for the particular Vacancy, as well as performing bulk actions against records under a particular status.

Vacancies - Applications Table Bulk Update

Recently, JobReady.Direct had the ability to Bulk Update Application Statuses from the Application table of a Vacancy. This has now been improved to include the ability for a Sub-Status and a comment to be added at the same time. The ability to bulk update Application Statuses, along with the ability to quickly filter Applications by status has been added to make recruitment staff's lives easier, and their jobs more efficient.

Once the Bulk Action has been performed, this will be stored against the Application records activity stream with the Status, Sub-Status, and comments update.

Locations - Regions

We understand that at times it can be difficult to look for Vacancies, or Applicants locations by Postcode and Suburb all of the time, and to help group Postcodes and Suburbs that are within the same region, JobReady.Direct will now allow for users to create Postcode Regions through the Admin Dashboard. This will give admin the ability to configure their own regions based on a range of postcodes. Regions can be the same across multiple postcode ranges allowing for as many regions as required.

Once a region has been created, any location (Candidate, Company, Vacancy, Placement Addresses) that has a postcode within the specified range in the configuration will be assigned with that particular region in the database. At this stage we have only built the ability to specify the regions, however our next step over the coming weeks is to make these Regions Filterable, Exportable and listed in the relevant index pages for further use and visibility.

Print Letters - Letterhead

JobReady.Direct will now allow for Administrators to upload a Letterhead into the system and specify if letters should be produced on a Letterhead. A global setting can be setup to default Letters so that they will always print on letterhead, with the ability to switch this off when printing an individual letter. This setting can be found in Admin Dashboard - Templates - Letter Head. As a reminder, we recommend that you test the letters prior to printing them, as the margins on the letters or letter templates may need to be adjusted to suit the letterhead.

Reminders and Site Visits

When creating a Reminder or a Site Visit, JobReady.Direct will now allow users to enter a "Scheduled Date and Time". This will be used as the primary date and time for the reminder or visit. The Due Date will be used to identify what is upcoming, however once the visit or reminder has been scheduled, the new scheduled date and time will take precedence.

Reminders - View More

Reminders can have quite a lot of information within the details section, as they can be used to capture anything. Where the information is displaying more than the reminder table can provide space for, a View More button will be available. This will expand the reminder so that the full reminder details will be displayed.

Candidates - Filters

The below filters have been included on the Candidates index screen:

  • Day of Birth (This will filter for the day of the month the Candidate was born)
  • Month of Birth (This will filter for the Month of the Year the Candidate was born)

Applications/Placements - Exports

The below exports have been included on the Applications and Placement index screen:

  • Candidate Properties
  • Candidate Tags
  • Employment Start Date
  • Office

Companies - Filter

The below filter has been included on the Companies index screen:

  • Blacklisted?

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