Ready Recruit Release Notes (19 Jan, 2022)

Candidates Search - New Filter

We have added the following new filter on the candidates search page that will pick up the candidate records that has at least 1 current placement against them.

  • Has Current Placements?


Candidates & Placements Search - New Export Fields

We have added the following new exports to the candidates and placements search page to view the records based on the following fields:

  • Candidate Emergency Contact Name
  • Candidate Emergency Contact Phone
  • Candidate Emergency Contact Email
  • Candidate Emergency Contact Address
  • Candidate Emergency Contact Relationship


Form Submissions - Fixed Site Visit Forms URL

Last month, we have added a new feature that will notify (trigger an email alert) to the administration email group when a form has been submitted by an internal/external user against any entity. 

This week we have fixed an issue where an incorrect URL is being sent to the administration email group when the forms are being submitted from the site visits search page. The updated URL will now re-direct the user to the exact site visit record where the form has been submitted.


Email Templates - Ability to assign entities

Currently all the email templates created on the admin dashboard are being displayed across all the entities while sending outbound emails on Ready Recruit. This is causing a little confusion to the customers while sending outbound email using the email templates. 

Hence, starting from tonight, we are adding a new feature against the email templates where the admin users will have the ability to choose the following entities to which an email template belongs to.

  • Candidates
  • Companies
  • Vacancies
  • Applications/Placements
  • Events

 Once a certain entity(s) are assigned to an email template, the email templates will be displayed only against those selected entities where the user would like to send an email from.

Note: Currently, the existing email templates in the system will have all the entities selected by default. You can customise them as per your requirement from the admin dashboard moving forward. For the customers that use SMS feature on Ready Recruit, we will be extending this feature to the sms templates in the future weeks.


Interviews - Notify Candidate by SMS (Template Update)

For providers that are configured with SMS in Ready Recruit, when adding or updating an Interview against a Candidate or Vacancy you will have the ability to notify the Candidate by SMS which includes the Interview details and location.

This has now been enhanced with the below details to provide a preview of the text that will be sent to the Candidate and will include the ability for this to be edited.

  • Job Title
  • Company Name
  • Interview Location
  • Interview Date & Time
  • Recruiter Team Name


Reminder Schedules - Mandatory Field Officer

Currently, while creating reminder schedules from the admin dashboard the assigned user fields are not mandatory. Hence, any reminders that were created using the schedules that dint have the assigned user fields, the reminders were being created without a user assigned to them.

Hence, we have made some changes to the reminder schedules page on the admin dashboard where the assigned user fields on the reminder schedule will always default to the field officer of the selected entity. 

Example: While creating reminders from any entity (Candidate), the reminder scheduler will look for the field officer of that entity, if the field officer is missing, then the scheduler will pick up the user selected under the User (Assigned To) field on the scheduler. If both the field officer and the selected user are missing, then the scheduler will pick up the current user (who is creating the reminders) and assign that user to the reminders.


Letters - Added Negative value validation (For Margins)

Negative value validation has been added to the letters and letter templates margins to avoid errors and crashing while creating letters against all the entities. All the letter margin values should be greater than or equal to 0. The default value of all the letter margins are 20mm.



Widget Preferences Page - Mobiles/Tablets Compatibility 

We have been working on improving your Ready Recruit experience on mobiles and table devices. Based on the feedback received from a few customers regarding the usage of tablet devices on the field, we have made some changes to the widget preferences page on the dashboard. In this release, we have fixed the layouts on certain mobiles and tablet devices (surface pros and iPads). Users will now be able to scroll through the widget preferences page and access all the input values and other options available against them.

There are many areas on Ready Recruit and Gateway we have identified that will enhance the user experience on mobile and tablet devices. We will be working on them in the future weeks. I would like to encourage everyone to use the communities page and share your ideas and feedback regarding UI and UX experience on Ready Recruit.


List of all New Features:

  • Added the ability to choose an entity while creating email templates.
  • Added a new filters and exports on the candidates & placements search page.

List of all Improvements & Bug Fixes:

  • Updated the existing SMS template against the Interviews.
  • Added negative value validations for letter margins.
  • Made the widget preferences page compatible with mobiles/tablet devices.
  • Field officer of an entity is selected by default while creating reminders schedules.
  • Fixed the site visits forms URL on the submission alert email notification.




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