Users can access the Vacancy Record of every Vacancy on the Ready Recruit Product!
Below are some steps on how to access a Vacancy Record and Information on the data it stores!
Accessing a Vacancy Record
From the Left-Hand side navigation bar select All Vacancies
Search for the vacancy using any of the Filters available, for this example we will select the Job Title Filter
Click the Add Filters button
Select Job Title from the drop-down box
Type in the Job Title you wish to search and click Apply
This will filter the results to only include information relevant to the filter/filters you have selected.
Once you have found the Vacancy Record you wish to view, click the View icon next to the relevant Vacancy Record
This will redirect you to the Vacancy Record page!
Each section of the Vacancy Record Page is outlined below -
- Vacancy ID- The ID associated with the Vacancy
- Vacancy Name, Company Name and Request Approval - Request Approval will only show on none approved Vacancies'
- Alerts and Reminders- Click to access and Alerts or Reminders created against this Vacancy Record and Candidate Site- The Site this Vacancy is assigned to
- Create New- Click to add new items to the Vacancy Record
- Vacancy Status- Vacancies Status
- Vacancy Officer- The Officer assigned to this Vacancy
- Internal Source- The Internal Source assigned of this Vacancy
- Sales Consultant- The Sales Consultant assigned to this Vacancy
- Vacancy Details- Vacancy Details such as Job Title, Postitions available and Trade
- Work Days- If the Work Days and hours have been specified they will appear here
- Post to Job Board- This button will appear if you have Job Board integration, click this button to start the Posting to a Job Board Process
- Information Storage Panel- You can view information such as Interviews and Applications in this panel