Process: Creating, Viewing and Managing Notes with a Company Record


Users can Create, View and Manage Notes in the Ready Recruit product!

Follow the steps below to Create, View and Manage Notes within a Company Record! 

Quick Navigation

Creating a Note

Navigate to the Company Record

In the taskbar click

Select Note from the drop-down 



The Add note modal will appear with the following fields



  • Dated on - click on the date picker to select the date creation
  • Time Spent- Amount of time spent in minutes
  • Template - select the note template you want to use (notes templates are created via the Note Template Admin Setting)
  • Note Category - select note category from the drop-down list set up on your site
  • Comments - type in the note details
  • Add Document - attach any documents here

When all the relevant information is added, click


The Note is now created!

Viewing Notes

In the Information storage panel, click on Communication 


Click on the Notes tab

Displayed is a list of all of the notes previously added to the record!

Editing and Deleting Notes

To edit Notes, click the Action button next to the relevant Note


Select Edit from the drop-down


The Edit Note modal will appear, update the relevant information and click



The Note is now updated with the relevant changes made!

To delete a Note, click the Action button next to the relevant Note


Select Delete from the drop down



This will create a prompt, click OK to delete the Note


The Note is now deleted!

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