Process: Creating and Viewing Emails within a Company Record


Users can Create and View Emails in the Ready Recruit product!

Follow the steps below to Create and View Emails within a Company Record! 

Quick Navigation

Creating an Email

Navigate to the Company Record

In the taskbar click


Select Email from the drop-down


The New Email modal will appear with the following fields


  • To - auto-populated based on the companies email address
  • Cc - type in the email address to cc
  • Cc to internal users - select and internal users you wish to cc
  • Bcc - type in the email address to bcc
  • From - auto-populated based on the user's email address (can also select Sender Email Addresses)
  • Select email template - created via the Email Templates Admin Setting
  • Subject - type in the email subject to be displayed
  • Body - type in and format (formatting fields are outlined below)
  • Expected Send Date - the date you wish the email to be sent
  • Add Attachment - click to select attachments

Formatting panel (described from left to right)

  • Source - Displays the HTML source code which formats the email
  • New Page - adds a new page
  • Preview - preview the email in a separate window
  • Content Templates - select the template to open in the editor
  • Cut - Remove content
  • Copy - Copy content
  • Paste - Paste content
  • Paste as plain text
  • Paste from word
  • Undo - Undo the last action
  • Redo - Redo the last action
  • Bold - Bolds the font
  • Italic - Italics the front

Once the relevant information is entered, click


The Email is now created!

Viewing Emails

In the information storage panel, click on Communication 


Click on the Emails tab

Displayed is a list of all of the emails previously sent to the Company, click on the paperclip icon to view the relevant Email! 



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