Process: Creating a New Vacancy from a Company Record


Users can create Vacancy Records within the Ready Recruit product.

Follow the steps below to add a New Vacancy Record from a Company Record!


Creating a New Vacancy

Navigate to the Company Record

In the taskbar, click

Select Vacancy from the drop-down 


The New Vacancy modal will appear with the following fields

Step 1


  • Company - drop-down field will populate with all existing companies in your site
  • Job Title - free-type field
  • Status - select from drop-down (the status will default to pending. This status will prompt the Vacancy Approval Request to be sent once the Vacancy has been added)
  • Office - drop-down will populate with existing offices (created via admin dashboard). The 'Approvers' assigned to that office will receive the approval request email for a 'Pending' Vacancy.
  • Vacancy Site  - The site this Vacancy is attached to
  • Template - select from Vacancy template (created via admin dashboard
  • Job Description - enter the full job description
  • Positions available - free-type field
  • Contact - drop-down field populates with a list of company contacts 
  • Rating - drop-down field populates with a list of company ratings

Step 2


  • Officer - the Officer assigned to the Vacancy
  • Internal Source - the Internal Source assigned to this Vacancy
  • Sales Consultant - the Sales Consultant assigned to this Vacancy
  • Qualification - search field populates with all qualifications within the database
  • Trade - drop-down field populates with trades created via admin dashboard
  • Award - the Award the applicant will payed against 
  • Hours per week - free-type field
  • Work Type - what Work Type the Vacancy is eg Part-Time
  • Year Level - Enter the year of the Apprentice or Traineeship which is required for the Vacancy
  • Closing Date - select from the date picker the closing date of the Vacancy
  • Opening Date - select from the date picker the opening date of the Vacancy
  • Employment Start Date - Enter the preferred start date of the Vacancy
  • Special Requirements - enter any special requirements for the Vacancy
  • Internal Comments - any internal comments for this Vacancy

Step 3


  • Work Days - here you are able to submit the working hours for each day

Step 4


Once details have been entered click 


The Vacancy is now created!

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