Ready Recruit has in-depth integration with Astute Payroll allowing for users on Ready Recruit
to push the following information from Ready Recruit to Astute using the API:
- Hosts (Customers)
- Host Contacts (Approvers)
- Host Locations (Sites)
- Candidates (Employees)
- Jobs (Placements)
Along with the ability to Push the above information from Ready Recruit to Astute, the system will also
allow for the below information to be pulled from Astute Payroll and displayed in Ready Recruit via
the API:
- Branches (Site)
- Department
- Host Information
- Host Contacts
- Host Locations
- Candidate Information
- Job Information
- Leave Balances
Before pushing a placement to Astute, it is important to understand the links between Ready Recruit
and Astute Payroll.
In Ready Recruit, each Placement will have one single Candidate, and a Candidate can have multiple
Placements. This rule is similar to Astute, where each Job has one Employee, and an Employee can have multiple jobs.
Candidate = Employee
Placement = Job
This means that all of the core information that needs to be pushed for the Employee record to exist
will be entered against the Candidate record in Ready Recruit.
- Name
- Address
Outside of this information will be the Job Information, this will all exist against the Placement record:
- Job Title (Linked from vacancy)
- Qualification
- Pay Rate
- Charge Out Rate
- Employment Type (linked from Vacancy)
- Time Basis (Linked from Vacancy)
- Primary Approver
- Secondary Approver
- Branch
- Department
Employees can be created in Astute from Ready Recruit from either the Candidate or the Placement record.
See below for information on linking the Employee to a candidate.
If the Candidate (Employee) exists within Astute Payroll, you will simply need to use the Candidates
User ID from Astute, and add this to the Astute Payroll Tab in Ready Recruit once the User ID for the
the Candidate has been added, this will map the 2 records together allowing users to see the information
for the Candidate (Employee) that exists in both Astute and in Ready Recruit by using the Astute or the
Ready Recruit tab.
This can be pushed from Ready Recruit if the Candidate (Employee) does not exist in Astute yet. To
push the Candidate information from Ready Recruit to Astute, simply ensure that the required information has been entered into the Candidate in Ready Recruit:
- Name
- Address
Once this information has been added to the Candidate record in Ready Recruit, go to the Astute Payroll tab on the left-hand side. Here users will find a Push button, allowing this Candidate to be created in
Astute. Once this record has been pushed to Astute, the User ID created for the Candidate will be automatically linked to the Candidate in Ready Recruit.
Where a Candidate record has been linked to Astute, users will have the ability to push updates from
Ready Recruit to Astute.
Where an Address, Name or Address has been updated in JobReady, this will display differently between the Ready Recruit tab and the Astute tab. As Ready Recruit is the primary record that will be pushed to
Astute, the information in Ready Recruit will need to be the source of truth. Simply click on the Update
Astute button to push the updated Ready Recruit fields over to Astute, and this will update the Astute records based on the linked User ID.